Friday, March 15, 2019

Express yourself through dance with TranscenDANCE

This is a fantastic opportunity for students. TranscenDANCE is a nationally-recognized creative youth development organization that works with teens in underserved San Diego communities. Our programs change the trajectory of students’​ lives by building resilience, confidence, and creativity and by instilling life-changing skills such as leadership, collaboration, and community engagement. More than just a dance troupe… we are a family!!

We can tell you all about our unique, one-of-a-kind youth programming, but it is much more meaningful to hear it directly from our students. Below are some testimonials from past youth performing group members, many of which continue to contribute and participate in the program!

Youth Testimonials “Its more than dance classes, we learn about life and ourselves.” “I never had a role model growing up and now I am one. I absolutely love helping others. Especially those who have had a rough childhood like me.” “I’ve become more open and learned how to push myself more to be me.”

“Looking back on it, I realize I didn’t know who I was and I didn’t trust others to help me. transcenDANCE helped me find myself, identify what I needed, and taught me how to take care of myself. I hadn’t realized how alone I was until suddenly I had closer friendships than I had ever had in school or other dance groups.”

Students interested in signing up can attend a class: Tuesdays & Thursdays | 4-7pm and Saturdays 10am-4pm at 200 East 12th Street, National City, CA 91950. For more information call (619) 995-4163 or visit or email