The California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science [COSMOS] is a four-week residential summer program open to current 8th-12th motivated high school students with demonstrated interest and achievement in math and science. Located on four University of California campuses (Davis, Irvine, San Diego and Santa Cruz), each campus offers different cluster topics and residential experiences. High achieving students from California, as well as out-of-state and international students are invited to apply to this unique summer opportunity.
This intensive experience is designed for and intended to encourage the brightest, most promising young minds to continue their interest in the STEM fields. COSMOS provides students with an unparalleled opportunity to work side-by-side with outstanding university faculty and researchers, covering topics extending beyond the typical high school curriculum.
COSMOS at UCSD places a strong emphasis on technology and engineering, in addition to mathematics and science, and is administered through the Jacobs School of Engineering. Students who complete the COSMOS program can indicate their participation on the UC application.
The student application window is now OPEN (January 4 – February 1). Apply online - https://cosmos-ucop.ucdavis.edu/app/main.
To learn more about COSMOS at UCSD (as well as the other three participating campuses) visit - http://jacobsschool.ucsd.edu/cosmos/index.shtml.