Monday, January 14, 2019

Apps for Creating Change Hackathon

The San Diego Jewish Academy is teaming up with app developers and engineers at Lightwell to host the Apps for Creating Change Hackathon on Sunday, February 10th, from 1:00pm-6:00pm. 

They’re looking for Upper Elementary (4th and up), Middle Schools, and High Schools to come with at least 1 student team (3-4 students per team; max 3 teams per school) to participate! 

Student teams will participate in a collaborative and creative coding challenge. They will develop an app in a 6-hour app building sprint themed around the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Students will learn the app development process from building in Lightwell to publishing their app with Xcode onto a local iOS device (iPhone or iPads). 

Teams will create an educational/informative, gaming, or narrative-driven app. The apps will be designed to bring awareness to sustainability goals and to educate citizens in developed countries. 

Lightwell engineers and product designers will be available throughout the Hackathon for beginner and advanced students to gain more skills and experience building apps. 

Each team will present their app before a panel of judges. The winning team will have the opportunity to work with Lightwell to publish their final app to the App Store. 

For more information, review the event flyer here and please contact Kwaku ( & Jerica ( to sign up as soon as possible!