Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Do you Know a Future STEM Leader? The Athena Pinnacle Scholarship Applications are Now Open

Applications for the 2020 Pinnacle Scholarships are now open as Athena prepares to award merit-base scholarships to five remarkable high school seniors who are poised to be the next generation of women leading in STEM.

If you know a high-school senior planning to enter a four-year university to study in the sciences, technology, engineering or math fields, be sure to share the application with her.

Outstanding applicants are well-rounded women who’ve demonstrated academic excellence, leadership in school organizations, and community involvement. Winners receive their scholarships at our annual Pinnacle Awards celebration on May 13.

To apply:


· Provide an official copy of high school transcript

· Provide a letter of recommendation from a counselor or teacher at your school

· Deadline: Monday, March 16, 2020

Submissions must be made by mail (no online application process is provided, and no emailed applications will be accepted.) Please note that all documents must be postmarked on or before that date – including school transcripts. Please email staff@athenasd.org with questions.