This is your special invitation to join other motivated, determined, college-bound youth on your journey to becoming college-ready. This event provides an opportunity for new and returning scholars and parents (or guardians) to learn more about the YBS program. Participants are given an overview of the YBS 2019-2020 academic year with motivational speakers, alumni, student and parent workshops followed by a College Scholarship Fair.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
8:00 A.M. — Registration
8:30 A.M. — Welcome & Opening Remarks
9:00 A.M. — Financial Literacy for Students
9:30 A.M. — Social and Emotional Intelligence
10:00 – 11:00 p.m. — Parent and Student Workshops
Parent Session:
Competitive, Compelling or Complacent
This session will discuss what parents can do to ensure their students are not complacent but are instead compelling and competitive applicants for college admissions. Topics discussed include: GPA, admissions testing, A-G requirements, the importance of academic rigor, etc.
8th & 9th grade
A Foundation for Excellence
Planning for success starts early. This session will provide a plan of action to help students prepare for their journey on the road to academic success. It will also give you an overview of what to expect your 1st year of high school. Students will discuss how to be successful and the importance of building peer support groups.
10th grade
Feeling the Pressure: What’s So Important About 10th grade?
Your sophomore year is one of the most important years in high school. Topics discussed will include SAT, PSAT, ACT testing, A-G requirements, and how to become a Competitive College Applicant.
11th grade
Ready, Set, Go: What’s So Important About 11th grade?
This is your year to seal the deal! It’s time to focus and get prepared. Topics discussed include: National Merit Scholars, testing schedules, CSU Early Assessment program and much more.
12th grade
Your Biggest Decision Yet: Looking Forward to the Senior Year
Students will create a timeline for their Senior Year of high school. Topics include: college applications, admissions testing, financial aid, scholarships, and preparing for college.
Loyola Marymount University
1 LMU Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90045