Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Sunflower Scholarship Fund - Powered by Chelsea's Light Foundation

The 2018 Academic Sunflower Scholarship Application is NOW AVAILABLE!

The sunflower – It is resilient. It is bright and always follows the sun. It stands out in a crowd. It is surprising, towers over the others in uniqueness and splendor, and the closer you look, the more amazing its depth and beauty. Each of our Sunflower Scholarship Fund recipients will fit this description.

Powered by the Chelsea’s Light Foundation and the generosity of the community, the Sunflower Scholarship Fund offers two types of scholarships: Academic, based on a combination of academic merit and a “service over self” character. And the second, our Joie de Vivre scholarship, is based on a combination of talent, financial need and “service over self” character. The Academic scholarships will provide financial support for college enrollment, and the Joie de Vivre grants will provide financial means for children ages 18 and younger to participate in extracurricular activities that otherwise might not have been possible.

The Sunflower Scholarship Fund was established to reflect the attributes that Chelsea embodied as a young citizen and student at Poway High School. She was extremely diligent, involved in a variety of school activities, had a passion for volunteering in her community, believed in the power of change and dreamed of making the world a better place.

Download: 2018 Sunflower Scholarship Application