Materials to be submitted
with this Application:
A. One of the following, along with a brief description of
your submission:
1. A
film or video production on which you were the principal writer, director,
producer, photographer, editor, principal actor or similar major creative role
on DVD-R.
2. A
script you have written for any type of film, video or PSA, along with a brief
statement and/or storyboard of the type of show and your aims for the
B. A short
statement of your career goals (300 words or less).
C. Special
circumstances (financial or personal) – any challenges or hardships you would
like the committee to consider.
D. An official copy of your transcript through the most
recent semester or quarter.
E. Letter of
recommendation from at least one person who has had the opportunity to oversee
your work and aptitude (i.e., teacher, faculty member, internship sponsor,
Application Deadline: March 31, 2018