Thursday, January 23, 2020

Student Leadership Opportunity in DC

Plan International USA is now recruiting for their 2020 Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) taking place in Washington D.C. July 20-23rd, 2020. The program will be held at Catholic University of America and is open to US-based youth who are currently in 8th grade – 11th grade. 

The program builds young people’s knowledge and capacity in key development issues, like gender equality and climate action, and builds their personal leadership and advocacy skills. Young people participating in the YLA will design projects that they will implement in their community during the 2020/21 academic year with the support of small grants and a mentor from Plan’s youth network. 

The entire fee for participation is $100. This fee includes food, housing, activity costs, and transportation during the week. Participants will be responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from Washington, D.C. at the beginning and end of the YLA. Financial aid is available to those who are eligible.

The program also includes activities to celebrate diversity, learn about other cultures, and explore Washington D.C. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis with a priority deadline of Feburary 15, 2020 and a general deadline of March 1, 2020. Visit to apply.