Friday, December 13, 2019

End the semester strong!

Hey students - want some suggestions to make your grades look better? Here’s 3 easy steps! 

  • Step 1: Look at the PowerSchool details for each of your classes. It is YOUR grade and YOUR responsibility to make sure it is accurate! Do you notice any missing grades? Did you forget to complete or turn in the work? Did your teacher forget to record the grade? 
  • Step 2: Talk with the teacher for each class you want to improve. It is teachers’ favorite conversation to have with their students - they want you to succeed! Show the PowerSchool notes and turn in any missing work. You can say something like, “I just noticed this work was missing and was hoping to submit now.” Too scared to talk in person? Email or write a note and leave for the teacher. 
  • Step 3: Make plans for the future. Good habits lead to success! Identify some habits you can build for long-term sessions, quiet work space, tutorials...all things that successful students do!