Thursday, February 7, 2019

Benjamin Banneker Association, Incorporated Book Scholarship

The Benjamin Banneker Association would like to honor three African American/Black students this April at the annual National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference (NCTM) held in San Diego. The award is for students showing achievement and/or promise in mathematics

The attached application should be submitted by February 25, 2019. Directions for submission are included in the application.

Benjamin Banneker Association, Incorporated
Book Scholarship Application

A complete application packet is comprised of the following, together in the order listed:
2) Personal Statement/Essay,
3) Resume,
4) Letter of Recommendation, and
5) Copy of college acceptance letter (if available).
Applications should be submitted to Mrs. Epps by February 25, 2019 to Incomplete and/or late applications will not be reviewed.

      Must be a 2019 graduating senior
      Must be enrolled in a 2-year or 4-year undergraduate program 
for the upcoming 2019 fall semester
      Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA (out of 4.0)
      Must attest to having a financial need

      To encourage pursuit of higher education
      To provide financial support to purchase textbooks for college courses

Scholarship Award: $250

Personal Statement/Essay:
Attach your Personal Statement/Essay to your application packet.  Essays should be no more than one page, typed (can be double spaced). Respond to the following prompts in your Essay.
  1. Describe your career goal and/or your professional aspirations.  Include personal experiences that influenced your decision to pursue this career.
  2. Tell how your academic program/major program of study and your overall educational plans will assist you in achieving your goals.
  3. Describe why you qualify for this scholarship.
  4. Is there anything the Scholarship Committee should know about you or your life experience that would help evaluate your application?