Monday, May 21, 2018

CSU Maritime Academy present an opportunity to learn more about their program

California State University Maritime Academy (Cal Maritime) has an upcoming opportunity in San Diego to become more familiar with what we do and the secret to our students’ success.

You are invited to visit the Cal Maritime Training Ship Golden Bear as it comes to San Diego on Tuesday, June 26 at 9:30 am – at the B Street Pier (Cruise Ship Terminal) as the last port visit of its two month voyage in the South Pacific with over 300 students and 50 faculty/staff aboard. Come down and learn what makes us the CSU’s unique campus and leader in student success after graduation. You can come by yourself, bring colleagues, bring your family, or bring your students. The two-hour program will end around 11:30 am.

You can learn more information and sign up at

There will be a short information session on the ship and then a student-led tour from the bridge to the engine room.
There is no cost for the program

Contact Marc Mcgee if you have any questions about this opportunity.

Contact: Marc McGee
Director of Admission, California State University Maritime Academy (Cal Maritime)
President-Elect, Western Assc. for College Admission Counseling (WACAC)
200 Maritime Academy Dr.
CA 94590
Phone: 707-654-1330:
FAX: 707-654-1336