Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Epsilon Xi Omega Chapter - San Diego, California
Application Postmark Deadline: April 3, 2019
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is the first Greek letter organization founded by university educated African American women. Grounded in service to mankind, this international sorority gives back to local and global communities via a variety of philanthropic endeavors. The San Diego Chapter has awarded academic scholarships since it's chartering in 1949. These scholarships are available to female (male if he will attend an HBCU) San Diego County African American or African Diaspora high school seniors who will attend accredited 4-year colleges and universities in Fall of 2019. Download the fillable PDF application at: http://www.akasandiego.com Be sure to include your essay and sign the last page before mailing the application packet.
Eligibility for Traditional Scholarships:
Must be an African American or African Diaspora female in her last semester of a San Diego County High School
Must be accepted and plan to enter an accredited four-year institution of higher learning by Fall 2019
Must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average
Must submit (2) two letters of recommendation (at least one must be from a school official)
Completed Application using PDF fill-in (handwritten not acceptable)
Official Transcript (in sealed envelope)
Recent formal color portrait (recommendation - senior portrait)
One-time $1,000.00 for the following Scholarships:
Pearlen Denmon Memorial Scholarship
In Addition to the above criteria:
Must attend or reside in the school boundary areas of Lincoln High School, San Diego High School or Gompers Preparatory Academy
Must express an interest in giving back to her community.
Empowerment Scholarship
In Addition to Traditional Scholarship Eligibility criteria:
Must provide a Personal Statement or essay indicating that the applicant has been successful in overcoming hardship or special circumstances such as, but not limited to: immigrant or refugee status, special physical or learning needs, foster care, etc.
40 Hours Community Service preferred (9th – 12th Grades)
Future Female Engineers, EMRJJ Scholarship
In Addition to Traditional Scholarship Eligibility criteria:
Must have a 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA
(AP) Calculus and/or (AP) Physics with a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA.
Acceptance to and plan to attend an accredited College of Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Aerospace preferred)
Strong ethical character and role model who has or is willing to mentor peers and/or younger students
Pre-Medical Profession, Unique Healthcare Scholarship
In Addition to Traditional Scholarship Eligibility criteria:
Must have 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA in Biology and Chemistry
Must plan to pursue a career in a professional medical field
$1,500 for the following Two Scholarships to be used at an Historical Black College or University:
Octavia Coleman
In Addition to Traditional Scholarship Eligibility criteria:
Must be accepted by and plan to attend a Historically Black College or University
Must be an African American or African Diaspora male or female in his/her last semester of a San Diego County High School
Lloyd Prewitt
In Addition to Traditional Scholarship Eligibility criteria:
Completion of Epsilon Xi Omega Leadership Enhancement Program, Current or Former Debutante
Must be accepted by and plan to attend a Historically Black College or University
3.0 or higher GPA in academic subjects (minimum 11th – 12th Grades)
To receive the financial award attached to the scholarship you are required to attend the
AKA-EXO Scholarship Reception
ESSAY: On a separate sheet of paper, describe your academic plans and how your career goals will impact local and/or global communities in a one-page essay. Include this with your completed application.
Signature of Applicant Date
Mail the following to the address below:
Completed application w/Signature page
Two letters of recommendation
Official transcripts (in sealed envelope)
Recent formal color portrait (senior portrait)
College Acceptance letter
Must be postmarked by April 3, 2019
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Epsilon Xi Omega Chapter
Carol Patrick, Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 880537 San Diego, CA 92168-0537